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Evening Prayer

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

Before reciting the Emanations Prayer: Stand facing the Sun during the day or facing the Moon at night (or north if you cannot see the sun or moon), wash your hands, arms, and face with clean water, using a container dedicated only to this purpose. Prayers can be recited both outdoors and indoors. With each stanza, the worshipper makes a full prostration to the ground.

Prayer of the Emanations

I worship and glorify the Great Father of the Lights with pure thought. With an innocent word, You are glorified and honoured: Blessed are You and Your majesty and Your Aeons. For in glory You have perfected their foundation. Your Power and Glory and Your Light and Word and Your Majesty and the Aeons of blessing and all Your counsel have been glorified. For you are God, the foundation of all grace and life and truth. I honour and glorify all gods, all the angels, all the splendours, all luminaries, all powers: these who are of the great and glorious Father, these that subsist in His Holiness, and in His Light a nourished, purified of all darkness and malignancy.

I honour and glorify the great powers, the enlightening angels, those who have come forth by their own wisdom, having subdued the darkness and its ruthless powers, which were prepared to fight against the sovereign of all; these are those who created the heavens and the earth and bound in them all the substance of contempt.

I adore and glorify the Son of Majesty, the Enlightening Mind, Christ King: he who came forth from the outer Aeons into the upper region, and from there to this lower creation, and who incomparably announced His wisdom and the ineffable mysteries to the people on earth, and who showed the whole universe the Way of Truth, and who gave this interpretation with all voices, and who distinguished Truth from lie and the Light from darkness and good from evil and the righteous from the wicked. From You every grace has been known to the universe, and life together with the Truth is being interpreted to every nation with all voices. He Himself became, for living souls, the Redeemer of the oppression of hostile bonds. I worship and glorify the Living God, virtuous and true: the one who with His own Power raised up all things, this upper and the lower region.

I honour and glorify the great luminaries, both the Sun and the Moon, and the virtuous powers within them: Which by wisdom overcome the enemies, and they enlighten the entire region, and govern all things, and judge the universe, and conduct the victorious souls to the great Aeon o f light.

I venerate and glorify the Five Great Lights: through which the whole universe came to exist and through which the heavens and the earth exist, for by participation in these power and beauty I venerate and glorify the Five Great Lights: through which the whole universe came to exist and through which the heavens and the earth exist, for by participation in these power and beauty.

I honour and glorify all the righteous: those who have escaped from all evil, those who have existed before, and now exist, and are coming into existence and are ready to come into existence because they have recognized Truth and all excellence; to the chaste and the steadfast so that all these whom I have honoured and glorified and invoked can assist me and bless me with favour and free me from all bonds, restriction, and oppression and every reincarnation, and may provide me access to the great Aeon of Light, to which all the wise and upright in knowledge hope to.

(Recite in a low voice) Blessed is he who prays with this prayer often, and especially on the third day (Tuesday), asking with a pure heart and sincere speech for the forgiveness of the sins he commits. Amen

Evening prayer

Divine Light, the Mind of the Cosmos, beyond all aeons and realms,

Hymn: Choose a suitable hymn from the hymn book.

As twilight descends and day gives way to night,

I turn to Thee in reverence and invocation.

Thou Who exist beyond the dualities of earthly domains,

Infinite Knowledge, Boundless Wisdom, Unadulterated Love,

Reading: Choose a suitable scriptural text

It is in Your Splendour that our souls are enlightened.

The darkness of the visible world creeps upon me,

Yet in Your light, there is a trust unblemished,

A harbour against the chaos of this existence.

Guardian of the Luminous Realms, The Primal Man,

I implore You to guide me in my spiritual combat,

As I confront the Architect of Darkness, the Prince of Matter.

May the demons of ignorance be vanquished, their illusions shattered,

May I shed the garments of earthly bonding,

To cloak myself in Your radiant wisdom.

The Collect

Seed of Light, grant me strength in this silent war,

As the Archons and Aeons wage within and without,

Let my soul ascend from shadow into the luminista unfettered.

Breathe into me Your Sacred Pneuma, the essence of divinity,

Purge me of the worldly desires, purify my thoughts,

Bestow upon me the Gnosis, the key to Your Divine Kingdom.

As the stars weave their silent tales across the cosmos,

I remember, with love, those who walk this path alongside me,

Oh Divine Light, guide us, protect us, embrace us.

In the architecture of cosmos, cycles of day and night,

It is Your grand design that plays out,

To You, the Source of it all, I offer my prayer tonight.


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